Whose discomfort?

a poem

Lucy Dan 蛋小姐 (she/her/她)
The Brain is a Noodle
1 min readJul 27, 2021


Photo by Aləx Buchan on Unsplash

People who center their own emotions,
of shame, of despair, of guilt, of anger, of depression,
when they are the ones who have harmed you
are not truly apologizing with the intention to change.

They are adding to your burden
for asking them to consider behaving differently,
and costing you emotional labour
to soothe…



Lucy Dan 蛋小姐 (she/her/她)
The Brain is a Noodle

Filling in the cracks on conflicting self improvement advice and translating how these can work for a more diverse audience ✨ Icon by: @jkbarts #WEOC writer.